Monday, April 12, 2010

Geoboard Lesson Plan - 3, 4, 5 and more

This lesson comes from Geoboards - Grades 3-4 on the lesson plan disk. This lesson allows children to make polygons with different numbers of sides on their Geoboards. They then investigate the similarities and differences.

Anticipatory Set:Complete/Review Do Now and homework
Learning Expectations:
*classify polygons according to the number of sides
* discuss attributes of geometric shapes
* use the language of geometry
* How many different polygons can you make on the Geoboard?
• Work with your group. Each of you make a closed shape—a polygon—with 1 rubber band. Each person’s shape should have a different number of sides.
• Compare your shapes. Once you agree that each shape has a different number of sides, record your shape on geodot paper.
• Repeat this process until your group thinks it has made shapes with every different number of sides that it can.
• Record your square. Think about how you could rearrange the tiles to form a different solution. Look for other solutions. If you find any, record them, too. Be ready to explain the decisions you made.
** Students work with both geoboards and the virtual manipulatives.

Thinking and Sharing
Post children’s shapes into columns by number of sides. Begin by calling for shapes with three sides and continue by calling for shapes with an increasing number of sides. Label each column by the number of sides. Then, when all the shapes have been posted, write the appropriate geometric names above each column—Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Pentagons, Hexagons, Heptagons, Octagons, Nonogons, Decagons, and so on.

Use prompts such as these to promote class discussion:
* Look at the shapes in one column. How are they alike? Are any exactly the same?
* How are the shapes within a column different? Why are different-looking shapes in the same column?
* Which shapes were the hardest to make? the easiest?
* Do you think it is possible to make shapes with even more sides on the Geoboard? Explain.

Assessments:teacher observations, shapes, student-centered discussion

Materials/Tech Infusion:communicators, geoboards, laptops, Promethean board, Virtual Manipulative – geoboards

* teacher designed groups* differentiated assignments/activities (centers to reach all levels) * extended time-classwork/assessments(when needed)* restructured homework assignments for both above level and below level students* use of manipulatives/graphic organizers* extension activities/alternative assignments* modified assessments - M/C, SCR, ECR, O-E* encouraging independence/student initiative* includes a rich variety of resources, media ideas, methods and tasks
**** Homework: Math – open ended response question

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