Monday, May 3, 2010

Cuisenaire Rods Lesson Plan - Plots and Paths

Anticipatory Set:
Complete/Review Do Now and homework

Learning Expectations:
* compute the perimeter and area of shapes
* compare shapes with the same area
* discover that shapes with the same area can have different perimeters

* Arrange three Cuisenaire Rods—two reds and a yellow—on grid paper so that the rods lie within the grid lines and at least one centimeter of each rod touches another. Trace around your shape.
* Remove the rods and show the class your “plot.” Have children confirm that the area of your plot—the part that could be covered with grass—is 9 square units.
* Ask children to figure out how long a “path” is needed to go completely around the edge of your plot.
* Reinforce the understanding that the perimeter of your plot—the “path”—is 16 units by counting and numbering each unit.
* What happens when you make different-shaped plots with the same set of Cuisenaire Rods? Use 2 whites, 2 reds, 2 light greens to create a plot. Record on the grid paper and calculate the perimeter and the area. Use the same 6 rods to create additional plots. Record and calculate perimeters and areas. Discussion Questions: What is the shortest possible perimeter? What is the longest? How are plots with the same-length paths the same? How are they different?
* FasttMath, Virtual Manipulatives

* teacher observations, student-directed discussion, drawings

* communicators, cuisenaire rods, cm grid paper

Tech Infusion:
Promethean board - flipchart, laptops, voters

* teacher designed groups
* differentiated assignments/activities (centers to reach all levels)
* extended time-classwork/assessments(when needed)
* restructured homework assignments for both above level and below level students
* use of manipulatives/graphic organizers
* extension activities/alternative assignments
* organizational strategies - notebooks/book boxes/folder systems
* cloze-notes/study sheets/practice sheets for further reinforcement
* modified assessments - M/C, SCR, ECR, O-E
* preferential seating
* seating near positive role model
* encouraging independence/student initiative
* includes a rich variety of resources, media ideas, methods and tasks
* proximity to teacher
* personalized monitoring tools (checklists, goal sheets, thumbs up/down level understanding monitors)
• Homework: Math - extended-constructed response
• Standards: MA. D.2.b, MA. E.1, MA. E.2

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