Sunday, February 21, 2010

Virtual Manipulatives - 3

As a preview to the lesson on pattern blocks I gave my students the opportunity to freely explore the blocks. The only direction they were given was that their designs must be complete in 2 minutes. Most of the students created symmetrical designs and used all of the shapes they were given. When the designs were completed I took a picture of each of the designs. The next period the students were given a laptop and were instructed to use the pattern block manipulative online and recreate their designs. This allowed the students the opportunity to explore the virtual manipulative and most were successful in this task. A few students were unable to recreate their design exactly, either because it was too large or they were unable to manipulate the shapes on the computer how they had done with the hands-on pieces. Designs were printed and mounted on construction paper as a Math and Technology display. I will bring a few to class to show the finished products.

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