Sunday, February 7, 2010

Video Review - Workshop 2

In watching this video I found it interesting to see both the teachers and particularly Jeff getting frustrated by the question of how can you prove what you are saying. Like the video stated most teachers expect to attend workshops or trainings and learn some activities they can take back to their classrooms and be shown the right way of doing things. It is no surprise that there was some frustration in this particular situation - most trainings in schools weren't typically done in this manner of questioning and requiring the teachers to prove their thinking.

I feel very lucky in that our district has made a major move toward inquiry-based learning and we have been offered similar training in hands-on math through LLTeach (Paul Lawrence). This had been a slow process in getting everyone on board to this newer way of teaching math. Teachers see that although the basics are important for the students to learn, when the students are given these types of learning opportunities with manipulatives they can develop their higher order thinking while still reinforcing the basic operations.

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