Sunday, January 31, 2010

Video Review - Workshop 1. Following Children's Ideas in Mathematics

After reviewing the video it made me realize how much more kids are capable of then we give them credit for sometimes. Unfortunately too many times we get caught up in the amount of content we need to cover to meet curricular demands and testing demands. It's easy to follow the textbook and work lesson by lesson and chapter test by chapter test. When kids are given the opportunity to explore it opens up a whole new way of thinking for them.

I have been teaching for 13 years and for many of those first years I found myself stressing out over not covering all the material that was written in the curriculum. At this point in my career I realize that although the curriculum and the NJCCCS standards are the guiding force in what you teach, it is my job to present my students with challenges and opportunities to meet these needs in creative, inquiry-based ways. I feel very fortunate that my district has had a strong push for inquiry-based instruction and PLC's in and out of the classrooms. We have received training from Paul Lawrence and utilize the Communicator Math programs. These experiences allow all students to explore more complex topics and ideas and develop their mathematical thinking.

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